Free Standing Display Units
If you require an effective in-store display solution to help drive sales and realise more profits, our FSDU's could be the answer.
Daytona are leading specialists in the field of custom FSDU's (Free Standing Display Units).
We have over 30 years of knowledge and technology investment for FSDU prototyping and production. From design conception, full size mock-ups and prototypes to the full “roll out”, Daytona can take care of all your free standing display unit requirements.
Importantly, all stages of FSDU production are kept in-house. This maintains total control over your project and minimises costs.
We work with a wide range of materials in Card, Fluted display-board, Correx, Foam PVC and more. A free standing display unit recently produced for Lux Soap, even had flashing LEDs to make it Sparkle!
Our specialized storage and distribution warehouse can even take care of individual store deliveries, holding back-up stock and order fulfillment.